Explorers Wanted Wiki
Explorers Wanted Wiki

Welcome to the Explorers Wanted Wiki!

Logo of Explorers Wanted. Silhouettes of explorers against a purple background with a moon behind the text.

Explorers Wanted Logo. Used with permission.

A wiki about the Actual Play podcast Explorers Wanted produced by 5d20 Media. Follow a crew of misfit explorers who seem to find new ways to get in over their heads each week. Explorers Wanted is a fully produced weekly show about exploration, intrigue, and friendship, with a dash of chaos energy for extra spice.

The show’s primary campaign uses both the system and standard setting of Numenera, although there have been a number of bonus episodes have been released using other Cypher System and Fate Core settings. You can find a full list of games played on this page.

Explorers Wanted is currently in its fourth season, and releases weekly on Wednesdays.

Campaign One - Night's Hope[]

Night's Hope is the name of the first Numenera campaign, and ran from Seasons 1 - 3. It is set within the Steadfast of the Ninth World, primarily within the nation of Navarene and its surrounding areas.



  • Lachlan - LaTia Jacquise
  • Zaccarrel - Daniel Rodriguez
  • Britton Winter - Stephen Garcia
  • Dale - Tim Lanning
  • Augusta - Diana DiMicco
  • Guest GM - Kyle Decker

Key Pages[]

Campaign Two - Hearts in Orbit[]

Hearts in Orbit is the second long-term Numenera campaign of Explorers Wanted, beginning with the fourth season of the show. It is set in a home-brew region of the Ninth World located along the southeastern coast of the supercontinent.



None yet.

Key Pages[]

Production Team[]


Other Places to Find Explorers Wanted[]

Ways to Contribute[]

We're a collaborative community website about Explorers Wanted that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. Click the "ADD NEW PAGE" or "EDIT" button at the top of any page to get started!

Important Note

Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2021 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Contributions related to the game of Numenera as opposed to the podcast itself must abide by the Monte Cook Games Fan Use Policy.

Important articles[]

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